Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chasing Amy

On February 13, 2013, my University 112 teacher, Jane Lucas, gave the class an assignment based on the movie Chasing Amy and the short story “Flying Without a Map: Chasing Amy and the Quest for Meaningful Relationships.” The question was how did Holden’s morals, or ethics, differ from Alyssa’s? We also had to summarize each character’s standards, and consider what values determined their choices.
In the movie, Holden seemed to think that his morals and decisions were based on critical thinking about his overall self-worth and what others thought of him. He didn’t care as much for being young and impulsive but instead, thought carefully about each option before carrying out an action. On the other hand, Alyssa looks at her bad decisions as something that is supposed to happen with young age. She seems to think that every young adult should have a time to be reckless and impulsive. It’s something that helped her in her later years because she felt that she learned from the mistakes she made while she was still young. Even though what she had done with other men is done, she knows she can not take it back and does not regret it.
            There are most likely major differences in the way these two star-crossed lovers were raised. Holden most likely had a strict family life filled with lots of rules and parents enforcing him to always do the right thing. Alyssa, however, might have had parents who weren’t as there for her to guide her along the path of life. She may have had to figure things out on her own, which is why she believes it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. For example, the two pictures below can show a contrast between the two character’s personalities. It's quite a fate to see for an interesting twist to a love story.

 Joey Lauren Adams

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